Hacham Abraham Halua

< Tishrei 5785 October 2024 >
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Redemption of Israel'
in which he teaches to draw the moral from what was created on the eve of the Sabbath to repair yourself for the Redemption

"Ten things were created in the twilight of the Sabbath Eve". The understanding is that these things were all created at the same time, on the eve of the Sabbath, so that we human beings draw a moral concerning the sixth millennium of this last exile, which is called "eve of the Sabbath"… For the end of exile is to remain hidden until the larger part of the sixth millennium has expired, and we still remain in exile; now is the time and moment to draw the moral from these ten things, according to their time and moment… for, to our great sorrow, the greatest human deficiency during this bitter exile has been the saintly thought that the speech and action of people is, for the most part, good but they have no heart, as the verse says: "Because that people has approached (Me) with its mouth And honored Me with its lips, But has kept its heart far from Me, And its worship of Me has been A commandment of men, learned by rote".

Menahem Abraham – Sermons on the Torah, Breishit Reading Portion, p. 1, printed by Shlomo Bilforti and Friends, Livorno, 1901
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