Hacham Yihya Korach

< Tishrei 5785 October 2024 >

A Short Tribute

Hacham Yihya Korach, son of Hacham Shalom Korach, one of the more important sages of Yemen, was born in 1840 in Sana'a, Yemen. He as orphaned at an early age. Out of fear that the authorities would kidnap him and convert him to Islam, as they often did with orphans, he was hidden and raised by Meir Yihya Ben Shalom. He studied Torah with Hacham Yoseph Tzalakh.

Hacham Yihya Korach, despite his deep and extensive Torah knowledge, refrained from teaching; he did not even work as a shochet. He earned his livelihood as a scribe, writing Torah scrolls. His wife's name was Nadra, and they had two children, a son and a daughter. Their son, Amram, was born in 1871 and served as rabbi of Yemen's Jewish community until 1951, when the Yemenite Jews were brought to Israel by Operation Eagle Wings.

Hacham Yihya Korach passed away on 20 Av 5641 (1881) and was buried in Sana'a. He authored several works: Maskil Doresh – A mystical approach on the Torah, Marpeh Lashon – an explanation of Onkelos' translation, a commentary on Ethic of Our Fathers, Maskil Shir Yedidut and Maskil 'Al Neginot – on Mori [Master] Shalem Shabazi's poetry. His works were published in the book printed by the Shtilei Zeitim Institute, Maskil Doresh.


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