Hacham Yosef Massass

< Tishrei 5785 October 2024 >
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Redemption of Israel'
in which he tells of the awakening to Aliyah and what prevented them from emigrating.
And from that day onward the holy spark would return and become a great flame in my heart, and I began to awaken the community to make Aliyah [immigration to Israel]. But my words were of no avail, because the hearts of the Jews of Algeria were closed tightly shut to hearing about this matter because of the peace and quiet and plenty in which they lived. And in particular because they were unfamiliar with the Hebrew language spoken in Israel… I received a telegram from Morocco... and immediately travelled there, where I discovered a great enthusiasm for Aliyah and much information concerning the situation in Israel. Indeed, many travelers returned from there with slander about the land, about its lack of material and spiritual wealth, and we have therefore been weakened, while our income remains more than ample, and the peace and quiet and great plenty in which we live have added to impeding our immigration to Israel. Although Aliyah had not ceased, but increased very slowly and began to increase in the year of 1947.
Otzar HaMichtavim, Chapter 1, author's preface, pp. 17-18, Published by Otzrot HaMaghreb, Bnei Issachar Institute, Jerusalem, 1998
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