Hacham Chalom Messas

< Kislev 5785 December 2024 >
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Redemption of Israel'
The following text is from Rabbi Shalom Massass, written after the murder of Emil Greenzweig, who was killed at a peace rally in Jerusalem:

“To the holy public, to every community and every ethnic group, I turn to you with an agitated and shocked heart, to focus on the unfortunate incident that occurred these past days, which began with ‘brotherly hatred’, and concluded with bloodshed – and continues to shock and horrify the heart. In a similar occurrence, our Holy Temple was destroyed - our glory and exile from our Land should not happen twice. This was the claim of the evil Haman, when he said – ‘there is one People’ – that has now reverted to being scattered and fragmented. Against this, Queen Esther said to Mordechai – ‘Go gather all the Jews’ - let them unite and let all the tribes become One People. And with that, the evil decree was annulled. I turn now to the holy public: Remove all causes of separation, remove the dividing barriers, and banish unfounded hatred from within you. Let us respect one another, let us be level-headed with each other, let us insist upon the morality of man and let us protect the sanctity of life”.

Hacham Shalom Massass, Shamash V’Magen 2nd part, Inyanim Shonim, section 5, page 325, Jerusalem, 1985
לדף חכם