חכם קס וובשט אייטבג

A Short Tribute

קס וובשט אייטבג נולד לאביו אייטגב טמנו ולאימו ישבת אלמו בשנת תרס"ו (1906) בגורבה בגמדר, באתיופיה.
בילדותו עבר עם משפחתו לגאנה במחוז גונדר, ומשם עברו לסקלט. בסקלט, נשא לאישה את מרת מרום ילסה ונולדו להם שני ילדים. הם התפרנסו מחקלאות, וקס וובשט אייטבג היה מקדיש לילותיו ושבתותיו ללימוד תורה. כדי להעמיק בלימודיו, עזב את משפחתו, למשך שבע שנים, במהלכן, הוסמך לקס ע"י הנזירים. לאחר הסמכתו חזר למשפחתו בסקלט, לצר עבודתו החקלאית, שימש קס של בני קהילתו.
בשל מתחים עם הנוצרים בסקלט, עזב עם קהילתו לכפר אזזו, שליד העיר גונדר, משם עברו לכפר היהודי הגדול אמבובר. הכפר שהוקם ע"י צעירים יהודיים בראשם פרופ' תאמרת עמנואל, עוד בתקופת הכיבוש האיטלקי בשנת תרצ"ו (1936), שימש מרכז רוחני לכל יהודי גונדר, ובו קיימו את הכינוס המרכזי בחג הסיגד.
קייס וובשט אייטבג הקים וניהל באמבובר בית כנסת ובית ספר לילדים, והתנדב לפיתוח תשתיות וסלילת כבישים, וכן היה פעיל בהקמת מושבה סמוך לגבול עם סודן.
בשנת תשל"ב (1972), בהתערבות יהודי אמריקאי, מאיר לוין, ובעזרת חזי עובדיה, עלו בנו וכלתו של קס וובשט אייטבג לארץ ישראל, והתיישבו במושב בית מאיר. בשנת תשל"ג (1973), לאחר לחץ כבד על ממשלת ישראל, עלה קס וובשט אייטגב לארץ ישראל יחד עם משפחתו, והם התיישבו במעון עולים סמוך לרמלה. עם הגיעו לארץ, נפגש קס וובשט אייטבג עם הראשון לציון, מרן החכם עובדיה יוסף, שפסק כי 'ביתא ישראל' הם יהודים לכל דבר, פסיקה שהובילה להחלת חוק השבות על יהודי אתיופיה.
קס וובשט אייטבג למד את השפה העברית במהירות, והתפלל בקביעות בבית הכנסת לעולי מרוקו על שם רבי דוד ומשה. בעלייתו סלל את הדרך לרבים מבני קהילתו שעלו אחריו לארץ. הוא דאג לקליטתם, ושימש קס ליהודי 'ביתא ישראל' ברמלה. ביתו היה פתוח לכל מבקש, ובמשך שנים פקדו את ביתו מאות צעירים מהקהילה העולים מאתיופיה, להם שימש כאב. קס וובשט אייטגב היה ממייסדיי חג הסיגד בארץ ישראל, כשמטרתו בארץ הייתה גם כדי להתפלל על שאר אחיו הנמצאים באתיופיה ולעורר את המודעות הציבורית לכך. קס וובשט אייטגב השתתף בצעדה לכנסת ישראל על מנת לעורר את דעת הקהל למצבם של יהודי אתיופיה. 
קס וובשט אייטגב נפטר ביום כה' בתשרי תשנ"ה (1994).
אין בידינו כתבים מדברי תורתו, העלנו על הכתב, דברים שנאמרו משמו ע"י ילדיו ותלמידיו.
לא נהגו יהודי אתיופיה לקרוא בתואר רב, אנחנו קוראים בתואר זה בכדי לייצג שר, אדון ומנהיג כפי שהיה מעמדם של חכמי העדה. 
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Customs of Israel' in which he teaches devotion to observing customs that do not contradict Halakha.
"For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." After many longings we were privileged to reach the Land of Israel, and from this time we accept the Torah of Israel – the customs and commandments current in the Land of Israel. We need devotion to preserve our customs, that do not contradict the Halakha that is current in Israel, but if there are customs that lie in contradiction, we must accept the Torah of Israel, from which emanates the word of G-d.

Having no writings of his teachings, we have written up what was said in his name by his children and pupils.
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Torah Study' in which he teaches that in order to fulfill "and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children" one must fulfill "and [thou] shalt talk of them".
"…and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children" – In order that a person may fulfill the commandment of teaching unto thy children – that children study, one must, oneself, fulfill "and thou shalt talk of them" – one must study Torah, and it is worthy that a person devote the Sabbath and Festivals to Torah study, because of the many daily worries and making a livelihood, we must devote the Sabbath to study and to sacred things.
Having no writings of his teachings, we have written up what was said in his name by his children and pupils.
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Tzedakah and Healing' in which he teaches that it is forbidden to take money from people who request a blessing or advice.
"Let your home be wide open" – Every person must open his home and heart to all who approach him. We must see to food for those who request food, we must see to lodgings for those who require lodgings. And we must provide support to those who request it. We must excel in the attribute of compassion. It is appropriate that a person open his heart and home to all those who are needy and willing, see to it that your home is always open to all people, to provide a place to sleep and foodstuffs to those who request them. It is forbidden for a person to take money from people requesting a blessing or sound advice, and if one is nevertheless given money, he should give the money as a donation to charity so that it be distributed to the needy.
Having no writings of his teachings, we have written up what was said in his name by his children and pupils.
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Love of Israel' in which he teaches that it is obligatory that all members of the community to help any person in the community.
It is obligatory that each member of the community help any community member who requires assistance. Even if you hate the person requiring assistance you must help him or her, for our strength is in our unity, and we are all sons of one person, members of a single community.

Having no writings of his teachings, we have written up what was said in his name by his children and pupils.
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Redemption of Israel' in which he teaches the young generation to learn Amharic, to help the integration of our brethren.
Those of the younger generation who have reached the Land of Israel must to learn our language - learn to speak Amharic, learn to write Amharic. In a few more years (although this may now seem as far off as ever), our brethren from Ethiopia will arrive to the Land of Israel, and will need people to guide them and make their integration easier. Learn how to speak Amharic, so that you, the youth, may be these people who support and offer assistance to our brethren. Even if this reality appears unlikely, I believe with all my heart that all our brothers who are in Ethiopia will earn the merit of coming to the Land of Israel. We must prepare ourselves for this and ensure that their integration take place in the best possible and beneficent way.
Having no writings of his teachings, we have written up what was said in his name by his children and pupils.
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Customs of Israel' in which he teaches that we should pray that our brethren in Ethiopia come to the Land of Israel.
The purpose of celebrating the Sigd festival in Israel is to pray that our brethren in Ethiopia be able to come to Israel speedily in our days, and even if the borders appear blocked and the roads difficult, we must continue to pray for this, and to believe that our brethren will all earn the merit of coming to the Land of Israel.
Having no writings of his teachings, we have written up what was said in his name by his children and pupils.
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Traditions of the Fathers' in which he teaches how a child may mend his ways, by finding him a guarantor to take him under his wing.
On Motzaei Shabbat the entire extended family comes to the grandparents' home. They sit there for the Bona ceremony and eat Dabo, and meet in a family gathering of sorts. At one stage, the problematic behavior of one of the children, was there such a case, would be described and shared with the grandfather. A look from
Grandfather would suffice to know to mend our ways next time we come, but nevertheless, Grandfather would look for a guarantor – an adult, who was willing to protect that child, and guarantee that he mend his ways.
Having no writings of his teachings, we have written up what was said in his name by his children and pupils.