חכם יוסף שאלתיאל

A Short Tribute

חכם יוסף שאלתיאל נולד לאימו לאביו חכם אברם בשלוניקי. 
חכם יוסף שאלתיאל תלמידו של חכם יהושע הכהן פרחיה, התכתב עם חכמי תורכיה בדורו חכם יצחק פרחי וחכם אברהם פלאג'י. חכם יוסף שאלתיאל שימש בקודש בשלוניקי כדיין, דרשן, וחזן. 
חכם יוסף שאלתיאל זכה לאריכות ימים ונפטר ביום ל' ניסן תרכ"ג (1863) בשלוניקי. 
ספרו 'יוסף אברהם' - דרשות על חמישה חומשי תורה, הודפס בחייו בשנת תרי"ב (1852).
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Traditions of the Fathers' in which he instructs to prepare one's will for one's children as part of soul-searching and accounting
People on their deathbed deliver a testament to their children and household that concerns matters of the temporal world, instructing them on how they are to comport themselves concerning material and economic matters. If only they would do as much accounting of the sanctity of the soul, for sometimes death, heaven forbid, strikes before the significant accounting has been done. This is one reason to act in the opposite way, and first hold a major accounting by soul-searching. For in material matters and in business one reviews accounts at every moment, while this is hardly the case concerning the deprived soul…
The Tikun [repair] of this search, soul-searching, is to write one's will while alive, healthy and strong and to instruct one's children and household, as is written concerning Abraham, "that he may instruct his children and his posterity to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is just and right".
Yoseph Avraham, p. 237 – 238, Gizei Hamelech Publishing, Jerusalem, 2008